You have probably heard of Energy Healing, Energy Work, Energetic treatments, Energy Medicine, or maybe something else.

Energy healing is a name given to practices that use holistic approaches to connect mind and body, conscious and subconscious, so as to boost the body’s natural self-healing abilities, and to (re)connect the mind, the body, and the spirit.

“All matter is made up of atoms and molecules that are constantly moving.” (Wikipedia)

How does it work?

There exists several different methods and techniques. They mostly stem from ancient medicines, primarily Indian and Chinese ones as far as we know.
The notion of Prana in ancient Indian spiritual tradition refers to the breath of life, the idea that Universal Energy is the source of everything.
The ancient Chinese discovered Chi (or Qi) as the vital energy that pulses through every living thing.

A lot of techniques also explore chakra balancing. When balanced, the seven centers (or chakras) of your body send out energy to the connected physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. The basic principle always being to keep balance between the mind, the body, and the spirit.


Beyond that, some techniques focus solely on emotional release. Whether it be something you are conscious of or not. You might have past traumas still stuck in your head or in your body that could benefit from energetic support. It may help purge your mind, body, and spirit of unnecessary, sometimes burdensome bagage. Which in turn could liberate you on certain levels as you no longer use these as obstacles to your accomplishments.

Who does what?

Ultimately, you are doing all the work. Your degree of openness to freeing yourself from various negative notions, to let go of the heaviness you might have inherited from ancestors, your willingness to align to your own Truth is what will impact the degree to which you will feel a difference.

Key to self

Intention is the common denominator in all the endless energy modalities. The intention the practitioner will have towards your wellbeing, not his/her ego, and the intention you have to free yourself, to feel better, to be fully you.

How does a session go?

In my practice, I use a mix of everything I have learnt. It is a living evolving practice as I learn and experiment continuously for the purpose of being able to customize the most appropriate guidance for you.
After reviewing what you want to work on, I might use various techniques like kinesiology, or auriculotherapy to adjust your vital body and your meridians. I might also look at your chakra health as mentioned above. No matter what, I always “scan” your body and feel where the physical priority lies. Which almost always leads me down a rabbit hole of emotional and energetic origins. As it goes on, you may feel things being integrated, liberated, cleansed, or added by your conscious and/or unconscious (as needed), or even by your physical body as you could release aches and pains. Things can also take their time as energy works in function of your own acceptance and your own rhythm. This means whatever we work on continues its way through you even after the session.
Think of it as a turntable. Like the needle, I will transcribe out loud the microgrooves on your disk. If there is a scratch, we can see what needs to be done at that point.


When should I get a treatment?

Anytime is a good time to get an energy healing treatment. It’s especially effective as a preventative approach. And, if you experience anxiety, stress, or tension, a treatment can help you relax or let go of the layers underneath. If you lack energy, it can help give you a boost. And if you’re already feeling perfect, maybe you can feel even better?

Should you want to go in deeper on an individual basis, feel free to book a personal recorded session with me. These are sent to you so you can view them on your own time.

Note: Energy Healing is a complementary modality that shouldn’t exclude any medical treatments. This article is not intended as medical advice.