When it comes to maintaining a happy and balanced mental state, everyone is different and has different needs. While some western medicine approaches are useful and appropriate for some, Energy Therapies also provides valuable options that can help some people achieve better mental balance.
Where Does Your Discomfort Come From
Have you ever felt like something is impeding your progress? Something impeding your success in your career or in your life?
It can be physical pains such as migraines, chronic back pains etc, or mental health issues such as stress, depression, or anxiety. Maybe you don’t even know what is blocking you.
See, you are more in touch with your body than you think. Your intuition is more developed than you probably believe. You are actually sensing an energetic imbalance.
These blocks you feel are in your way are actual energetic distortions in your field. These get translated in your body as physical pain or mental pain.
Then you have your heart. Most people are unaware that the heart has neurons and sends more messages to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. It is our bodies’ most powerful source of energy. As a result, emotional baggage can be particularly damaging in the heart. Having energetic distortions there impairs our ability to give and receive love, as well as our ability to manifest great ideas.
The solutions
There are several Energy Therapies that are quite effective. I’m thinking about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), or tapping in general, EMDR is especially effective with trauma, Past-Life Regression, Family Constellations, and more.
What I do is quite simple and can be done alone (but if you really prefer to be accompanied, I’m there for you).
1. You connect with the subconscious mind which keeps our systems working and moving, the part of our brain that leads about 95% of us, it is the motherboard of our computer that remembers everything and that sets our habits.
2.One of the simplest way is with muscle testing. The Sway Test is the easiest method to learn.
Once you can make the Sway Test work for you, take out the Emotions List (from my free guide if you’d like) and test which emotion is underlying your current issue.
3. Release it with intention using the Governing or Central Meridian. You don’t even need to know anything about meridians, just pet your head from front to back a few times.
If you have a kitchen magnet, use that to wipe your head.
Rinse and repeat.
Some people see immediate benefit like finding a new job, new love, having things work out all the sudden. Like this client I saw recently who said that “after the session, I not only felt amazing, but our real estate agent called saying we finally had an offer for our house that had been on the market for months.”
Other times, things develop more subtly but surely. Another client that came back to me after about 6 months said:
Are you ready to feel freer from that emotional baggage? To open up to the world and to your infinite possibilities? Check out my my free guide. Do the work! Send me a DM on Twitter if you have questions 🙂
Should you want to take your confidence and self-love into your own hands, start talking to yourself more kindly. Check out my new program so you can regain a sense of self..